
Jun 1, 2024 We are organizing the 2nd Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD) Workshop at ECCV 2024. We invite you to attend our workshop and submit your papers!
May 20, 2024 I served as an Associate Editor for IROS 2024.
Dec 10, 2023 I have received NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship (2024-2025) (<2.0% acceptance rate). Thank you, NV :green_heart:!
Aug 25, 2023 :fire: NVIDIA featured VoxFormer together with FB-OCC! Here is the youtube video: Taking Autonomous Vehicle Occupancy Prediction into the Third Dimension - NVIDIA DRIVE Labs Ep. 30.
Jul 14, 2023 :tada: Among Us and PVT++ are accepted by ICCV 2023. See you in Paris!
Jun 19, 2023 :books: I am hosting Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD) CVPR 2023 Workshop at Vancoucer, together with Vitor Guizilini, Yue Wang, and Hang Zhao!
Jun 18, 2023 :speaker: I give an invited talk about VoxFormer at C3DV: 1st Workshop On Compositional 3D Vision@CVPR2023.
Jun 2, 2023 :books: Our NYU team is organizing Collaborative Perception and Learning (CoPerception) ICRA 2023 Workshop at London, together with UCLA Mobility Lab and SJTU MediaBrain Group.
Apr 23, 2023 :tada: DeepExplorer is accepted at RSS 2023. See you in Daegu!
Mar 21, 2023 :tada: VoxFormer was selected as a highlight at CVPR 2023. Specifically, CVPR 2023 has received 9155 submissions, accepted 2360 papers, and selected 235 highlights (10% of accepted papers, 2.5% of submissions).
Jun 20, 2022 :speaker: I give an invited talk about egocentric 3D target prediction at EPIC Workshop@CVPR2022.
Jun 5, 2022 :speaker: I give an invited talk about collaborative and adversarial 3D perception at 3D-DLAD Workshop@IV2022.
Jul 23, 2021 :tada: FLAT is accepted at ICCV 2021 as an oral presentation. ICCV 2021 received a record number of 6236 submissions and accepted 1617 papers. ACs recommended the selection of 210 oral papers. These are 3% of all submissions and 13% of all papers.